Limon is a 3D first person game engine. Main focus of its development ease of use and ease of study. It is not bleeding edge in any sense, but it is a functioning game engine none the less.
It is based on Opengl 3.3 + SDL2, but many other libraries are used.
Latest release can be downloaded here
Documentation is served by read the docs
Chat is done using Discord
Here is the latest tech demo of the engine:

There is also another video for features:

Features (as of 12 February 2019)
- Loads 60+ Model formats (thanks to Assimp)
- Skeletal animations + Mixamo.com support
- Custom 3D forward renderer with realtime lighting/shadows + postprocessing effects (only SSAO at the moment)
- Rigid body physics
- 3D spatial sound
- In game map editor
- Creating Animations in editor
- Trigger volumes
- API for customisations
- Actions: Triggers, buttons, onload.
- AI Actors: Enemies, NPCs, followers.
- Player extensions: Input handling.
- Loading customisations from shared libraries